Friday, June 13, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today is my birthday. 27 years old. I feel just a little old, but young at the same time. I feel old in the sense that I am not quite as fit as I was ten years ago. I decided to show Sarah some "tricks" on the grass the other day (really it was gymnastics). I did a few handstands, some cartwheels, front walkovers, and even helped her do a few things. No problem, right? Right. It really wasn't any problem. Until I did a roundoff-back handspring. I did it fine. A little slower, heavier feeling, and ill-formed, but I did it properly. It was when I finished and stood back upright that I noticed it. I had hyper-extended my elbow. Feeling rather foolish, and even slightly disheartened, I told Sarah that Mama is too old to do tricks like that anymore. Exercises in gymnastics, moving boxes up and down stairs, lifting heavy kids, bending down to pick up stray toys, and even sitting for long periods of time is longer is innocuous to my back. It aches daily, though not to any debilitative degree.

On the brighter side, I'm not too old to play tag with my toddlers, lift both boys to look out thier bedroom window, dance with Audrey, and spot Sarah for many of her new "tricks" she likes to try. I can still play with my kids at the park, walk around the zoo or dinosaur park for hours before I'm ready to go home, and go on hours-long shopping marathons on a Saturday afternoon and still take pleasure in the time out of the house. So... I'm not too old. Not too young. I guess I'm at just the right age. I'm definitely happy with my life, even if I can't be as careless as I used to with my physical stressors. Either way, it's my birthday. So Happy Birthday to Me!


{Steve and Amanda} said...

Happy Birthday to you! I hope it was great. I give you points for doing a roundoff-back handspring. One, I can't do it without looking silly, Two, I get light-headed just thinking about it. Bravo for being a great mom!

Briar Black said...

Once again, Happy Belated Birthday!!!

Ouch, sorry about your elbow. No more flipping for Ashleigh!

Wow, it sounds like you've got a little rodeo going on there with all of your kids! Good luck with that!

Brooke and Brian said...

Well if it makes you feel any better...I can't do a round off back handspring anymore either! =) I tried to do one in California last year to show off my skills to Brian and landed on my head and not my arms, then stood up feeling silly, just to come back to Brian, watching with all his sisters, bro's-in-laws and mom. I felt pretty foolish too!